- Homeguard Collar
Homeguard Collars are impregnated with bifenthrin. The collars physically stop attacking termites entering a structure via penetration pipes and will also kill termites that contact the collar and repel them away from the penetration. Available in 40, 50, 80 and 100 mm diameters.
- Dragnet Dust Insecticidal Powder
2% Permethrin
Dragnet Dust Insecticidal Powder is a 2% permethrin, broad-spectrum insecticide dust designed to reach into limited access areas. Dragnet Dust's super-fine formulation gives excellent coverage and spread. It is registered for the control of ants, spiders, fleas, cockroaches, silverfish, bed bugs, wasps, and bird mites in domestic, institutional & industrial premises. Also for the control of hide beetles, mushroom, sciarid flies and Potato moths.
- Brigade Granular Insecticide
2g/kg Bifenthrin
Brigade Granular Insecticide is formulated for the control of certain pests in turf and for control of ants, fleas and ticks in external surrounds of buildings and structures. Permit held for application in potting media for use in container grown ornamentals to control Red Imported Fire Ants for various intervals.
- Biflex Ultra Lo-Odour 100EC Termiticide & Insecticide
100g/L Bifenthrin, 533g/L Liquid Hydrocarbons
Biflex Ultra-Lo-Odour Termiticide and Insecticide is a cost-effective, broad spectrum, long residual, liquid insecticide and termiticide for use as an internal and external treatment of a wide range of pests.
- Biflex Aqua Max Insecticide and Termiticide
100g/L Bifenthrin
Biflex AquaMax is the first ever Professional Strength, multi-insecticide and termiticide. Effective on a wide range of common household pests and all termite species in Australia.
- Fury 120 SC Insecticide 1L
80g/L Bifenthrin, 40g/L Alpha-Cypermethrin
Fury 120 SC Insecticide is specifically formulated to create a superior, longer-lasting strength general insecticide that works in two powerful ways to rid your clients of all general household pests.
- PCO Fipronil 100SC Termiticide and Insecticide
100g/L Fipronil
PCO Fiponil 100SC is a cost effective non-repellent termiticide and insecticide for the control of Termites and nuisance ants. Formulated in Australia to a high standard.
- PCO Deltamethrin Tetramethrin 10SC 5L
10g/L Deltamethrin, 10g/L Tetramethrin, 80g/L Piperonyl Butoxide
PCO Deltamethrin Tetramethrin is formulated for the control of a range of insect pests including: Ants, Cockroaches, Fleas, Silverfish, Spiders, Bird Mites, Carpet Beetles, Clothes Moths, Bed Bugs House Flies and Mosquitoes in various situations.
- PCO Deltamethrin 10SC
10g/L Deltamethrin
PCO Deltamethrin 10SC is formulated for the control of a range of insect pests, Cockroaches, Web-spinning Spiders, Non web-spinning Spiders, Ant, Fleas, Silverfish, Bed Bugs, Bird Mite, Carpet Beetle, Clothes Moth, Mosquitoes, House Flies, Stored Product Pests in various situations.
- PCO Bifenthrin 100SC
100g/L Bifenthrin
PCO Bifenthrin 100SC is formulated for the control of a range of urban interior and exterior pests, for the control of mosquitoes, biting midges and flies by forming Residual Surface Treatments on a range of urban interior and exterior situations, for protection of structures from subterranean termite damage and for the control of termites.
- PCO Bifenthrin 100EC (Low Odour)
100g/L Bifenthrin
PCO Bifenthrin 100EC (Low Odour) is formulated for the protection of structures from subterranean termite damage and for the control of termites and a range of other urban pests.
- Anthem Insecticide Granules
0.5g/kg Fipronil
Anthem Insecticide Granule contains 0.5g/kg of Fipronil and is used for the control of Argentine stem weevil, mole crickets and ants in commercial and recreational turf and control of ants in external surrounds of buildings and structures
Each pest situation is unique and requires a specific pesticide application method in order to achieve the most effective outcome. Shop our broad range of pest control equipment for spraying, dusting, foaming and fogging to make sure you have the right pest equipment on hand to safely and efficiently apply pesticides.