Application Equipment - Brown House Ants

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There are 1-12 of 24 products

  1. Seclira Pressurised Insecticide 397g
    Seclira Pressurised Insecticide 397g

    5g/kg Dinotefuran

    Seclira Pressurised Insecticide is a fast-acting, non-repellent, ready-to-use product with System III compatibility for the control of a broad range of pests including ants, and cockroaches.

  2. Seclira WSG Insecticide
    Seclira WSG Insecticide

    400g/kg Dinotefuran

    Seclira® WSG insecticide is a non-staining, odourless, broad spectrum, general insect control product for indoor and outdoor use.

  3. Termidor SC Residual Termiticide 5L Bottle
    Termidor SC Residual Termiticide

    100g/L Fipronil

    Termidor SC Residual Termiticide and Insecticide provides superior levels of control across subterranean termites, ants, cockroaches, spiders, and flies.

  4. Coopex Dust Insecticidal Dusting Powder
    Coopex Dust Insecticidal Dusting Powder

    10g/kg Permethrin

    Coopex Dust Insecticidal Dusting Powder is registered for the control of cockroaches, ants, fleas, silverfish and bed bugs in and around domestic and industrial premises, food preparation and storage areas. Also for control of mushroom flies in mushroom housing and bees in wall cavities.

  5. Biflex AquaMax Insecticide 5L
    Biflex Aqua Max Insecticide and Termiticide

    100g/L Bifenthrin

    Biflex AquaMax is the first ever Professional Strength, multi-insecticide and termiticide. Effective on a wide range of common household pests and all termite species in Australia.

  6. Anthem Insecticide Granules
    Anthem Insecticide Granules

    0.5g/kg Fipronil

    Anthem Insecticide Granule contains 0.5g/kg of Fipronil and is used for the control of Argentine stem weevil, mole crickets and ants in commercial and recreational turf and control of ants in external surrounds of buildings and structures

  7. Chaindrite Perforce 500 Residual Insecticide
    Chaindrite Perforce 500 Residual Insecticide

    500 g/L Permethrin

    Chaindrite Perforce 500 Residual Insecticide is formulated for the control of a broad range of insects in various situations as per the Directions for Use table.

  8. Clear Out Plus IGR Aerosol Insecticide 350g
    Clear Out Plus IGR Aerosol Insecticide 350g

    0.5g/kg Fipronil, 0.15g/kg Pyriproxyfen

    Clear Out Plus IGR Aerosol Insecticide is a residual surface crack & crevice or spot treatment for control of ants, cockroaches and flies in domestic, commercial and public buildings.

  9. Shieldrite Crawling Insect Foam 350g
    Shieldrite Crawling Insect Foam 350g

    0.5g/kg Imidacloprid

    Shieldrite Crawling Insect Foam is a non repellent suspension concentrate formulated into a ready to use foam for the use in the management of pest insects including Termites, European wasps, Ants, Cockroaches and Bed bugs.

  10. Attractant PRO Ant Gel Bait 50g
    Attractant PRO Ant Gel Bait 50g

    0.5g/kg Indoxacarb

    Attractant PRO Ant Gel is formulated for the control of major pest ants including Argentine ant, Black house ant, Coastal brown ant, Ghost ant, Hairy ant/Crazy ant, Pedicel ant, Pennant ant, Pharaoh’s ant, Red imported fire ant, Sugar ant.

  11. Ensnare Pro 50SC Insecticide 1L
    Ensnare Pro 50SC Insecticide 1L

    50g/L Indoxacarb

    EnsnarePRO is a non-repellent residual suspension concentrate spray. It can be used in conjunction with baits without reducing the performance of the bait. Ants, cockroaches and flies don’t know it’s there. The ‘non-repellent’ properties of this formulation does not interfer with insects natural behaviour...

  12. Demand 100CS Insecticide
    Demand 100CS Insecticide

    100g/L Lambda-Cyhalothrin

    Demand 100CS is a cost effective and long lasting insecticide for the controls of ants, cockroaches, fleas, flies, mosquitoes, silverfish and spiders for up to up to 12 months indoors and up to 3 months outdoors. It can be applied to foliage for up to 14 weeks of mosquito control.

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There are 1-12 of 24 products

Each pest situation is unique and requires a specific pesticide application method in order to achieve the most effective outcome. Shop our broad range of pest control equipment for spraying, dusting, foaming and fogging to make sure you have the right pest equipment on hand to safely and efficiently apply pesticides.

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