Bird Netting & Fixings - Sundew Solutions

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There are 1-12 of 15 products

  1. Abolish Pro Cockroach Gel 50g
    Abolish Pro Cockroach Gel 50g

    6g/kg Indoxacarb

    Abolish®PRO Cockroach Gel for control of cockroaches in domestic, commercial and public service buildings including factories, farm buildings, food processing establishments, homes, hospitals, kitchens, offices, store rooms, restaurants, retail outlets and vehicles.

  2. Attractant PRO Ant Gel Bait 50g
    Attractant PRO Ant Gel Bait 50g

    0.5g/kg Indoxacarb

    Attractant PRO Ant Gel is formulated for the control of major pest ants including Argentine ant, Black house ant, Coastal brown ant, Ghost ant, Hairy ant/Crazy ant, Pedicel ant, Pennant ant, Pharaoh’s ant, Red imported fire ant, Sugar ant.

  3. Ensnare Pro 50SC Insecticide 1L
    Ensnare Pro 50SC Insecticide 1L

    50g/L Indoxacarb

    EnsnarePRO is a non-repellent residual suspension concentrate spray. It can be used in conjunction with baits without reducing the performance of the bait. Ants, cockroaches and flies don’t know it’s there. The ‘non-repellent’ properties of this formulation does not interfer with insects natural behaviour...

  4. SAS Pro Fipronil Granule Ant Killer
    SAS Pro Fipronil Granule Ant Killer

    0.25g/kg Fipronil

    SAS PRO® Professional Granule Ant Killer is a 0.25 g/kg Fipronil-based, specially graded silica carrier granule for use in the control of Red Imported Fire Ants, Yellow Crazy Ants, Funnel Ants, Nuisance ants and Argentine stem weevil, in external surrounds of buildings and structures including gardens, lawns, ant nests & trails, and commercial turf farms, parks, recreational areas, golf courses, bowling greens, sports fields and more.

  5. Maxum PRO 125 SC Insecticide 500mL
    Maxum PRO 125 SC Insecticide 500mL

    125g/L Beta Cyfluthrin

    MaxumPRO is a robust, fast-acting, knock-down, broad spectrum insecticide for general insect control in domestic and commercial situations, as well as for the control of pest insects of turf and ornamental plants.

  6. Starrdust Pro Duckbill + ‘One-Shot’ 400g
    Starrdust Pro Duckbill + ‘One-Shot’ 400g

    20g/kg Permethrin 40:60, 5g/kg Triflumuron

    The StarrdustPRO ‘ONE-SHOT’ is a ready-to-use pod that screws straight onto the StarrdustPRO DUCKBILL Duster head. It is prefilled with 400 grams of premium StarrdustPRO Industrial Strength dusting powder.

  7. Battleaxe Pro Aerosol 420g
    Battleaxe Pro Aerosol 420g

    20g/kg propoxur, 2g/kg tetramethrin, 10g/kg piperonyl butoxide

    Battleaxe PRO Professional Crack & Crevice is an aerosol formulation containing both long lasting and vapour-acting knockdown components.

  8. Antagonist Pro Insecticide
    Antagonist Pro Insecticide

    80g/L Bifenthrin

    ANTagonist PRO insecticide is a suspension concentrate formulation containing a Polymer Enhanced Synthetic Pyrethroid approved for the treatment of ants, spiders, wasps, cockroaches, mosquitoes, midges, fleas, flies, ticks, termites and turf pests including lawn armyworms, sod webworms, argentine stem weevil, billbug, African black beetle, ants and ornamental pest including mites, aphids, caterpillars, loopers, earworm, budworm, light brown apple moth, whitefly, mealybug, thrips and cutworms.

  9. Quench Pro Liquid Ant Bait
    Quench Pro Liquid Ant Bait

    0.05g/kg Imidacloprid

    QuenchPRO is a ready-to-use liquid ant bait in a low dose that is effective against many common pest ants in indoors and outdoors situations. It contains a sweet based bait matrix that foraging ants are attracted to.

  10. Sundew Aussie Tuff Roach Box
    Sundew Aussie Tuff Roach Box

    The Sundew Aussie Tuff Roach Box kit contains Abolish PRO Cockroach Gel, BattleaxePRO cockroach gel, BattleaxePRO Aerosol, Pestie Dotz for accurate clean application of gels, AbolishPRO sports towel and  an AbolishPRO tactical holster to carry your gel at all times
  11. Starrdust PRO One-Shot Insecticidal Dust 400g
    Starrdust PRO One-Shot Insecticidal Dust 400g

    20g/kg Permethrin, 5g/kg Triflumuron

    The Starrdust PRO One-Shot Insecticidal Dust 400g is an industrial-strength dust designed for use with the Starrdust PRO Duckbill Duster. It is a ready-to-use broad-spectrum insecticide with a unique formulation.  It controls a wide range of insect pests including cockroaches, silverfish, spiders, ants, fleas, carpet beetles, bed bugs, European wasps, feral honey bees, bird mites, subterranean termites, hide beetles, millipedes, woodlice and clothes moths.


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There are 1-12 of 15 products

Effectively safeguard property from avian pests like pigeons, mynahs, seagulls and more with Globe's premium Bird Netting and Fixings. Our anti-bird netting serves as a robust physical barrier, preventing birds from accessing designated areas or surfaces safely.

Explore our extensive range of professional commercial-grade bird mesh netting, meticulously crafted for durability and UV stability, providing a long-lasting bird management solution. With Globe's bird netting, you can effectively deter unwanted bird activity while maintaining the aesthetic appeal of your surroundings.

Enhance your bird net installation with our comprehensive selection of bird net fixings and accessories. From sturdy brackets and bolts to reliable girder clips, screws, hooks, and more, we offer everything you need to ensure a secure and seamless installation process.

Choose Globe for your bird netting and fixings needs and take proactive steps towards creating a bird-free zone where they are needed. Shop our extensive range today and enjoy peace of mind knowing our high-strength, and professional-grade bird nets will have you covered.

© Globe Pest Solutions 2024, a division of Australian Agribusiness