Search results for: 'good 20 prone ticks'
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- gold 20 proof tack
- gold 20 prime tack
- Termatrix In-Concrete Cylinder And Lid (Pack of 20)
TermatriX In-concrete cylinder and lids are designed for use with the TermatriX baiting station. This set contains 20 x cardboard inserts, 20 x Plastic cylinders with lid and 20 x TermatriX Magnet attractant monitors.
- Termatrix Termite Bait 2kg Box (20 x 100g bait)
1g/kg Chlorfluazuron
Termatrix Termite Bait is a powdered termite bait designed for use with the Termatrix Termite Baiting and Monitoring system. The powdered bait comprises of 1g/kg chlorfluazuron, pure a-cellulose, and feeding stimulants. The 2kg box contains 20 x 100g sachets of termite bait.
- Bastion P2 Unvalved Disposable Respirator (Pack of 20)
Bastion P2 Unvalved Disposable Respirators protect against mechanically and thermally generated particles such as toxic dusts, mists and fumes.
- Biforce Granular Insecticide
2g/kg Bifenthrin
A ready to use contact residual granular insecticide for external control of ants, fleas and ticks in areas such as gardens, lawns, around BBQs and other external surrounds of buildings and structures.
- Brigade Granular Insecticide
2g/kg Bifenthrin
Brigade Granular Insecticide is formulated for the control of certain pests in turf and for control of ants, fleas and ticks in external surrounds of buildings and structures. Permit held for application in potting media for use in container grown ornamentals to control Red Imported Fire Ants for various intervals.
- Antagonist Pro Insecticide
80g/L Bifenthrin
ANTagonist PRO insecticide is a suspension concentrate formulation containing a Polymer Enhanced Synthetic Pyrethroid approved for the treatment of ants, spiders, wasps, cockroaches, mosquitoes, midges, fleas, flies, ticks, termites and turf pests including lawn armyworms, sod webworms, argentine stem weevil, billbug, African black beetle, ants and ornamental pest including mites, aphids, caterpillars, loopers, earworm, budworm, light brown apple moth, whitefly, mealybug, thrips and cutworms.
- Invade Bio Foam 500mL
Advanced Microbial Formula
InVade Bio Foam is the ultimate green cleaning solution designed to eliminate organic debris, odors, and harmful build-up in both food and non-food areas. This professional-strength, multi-purpose cleaner uses a super-concentrated blend of premium natural microbes and citrus oil, ensuring deep, long-lasting cleaning in areas prone to moisture and organic matter.
- Avishock Corner Connector (Pk20)
Used at corners to join Avishock tracks. Each pack contains 20 connectors.
- Avishock Straight Connector (Pk20)
Avishock Straight Connectors are used to join straight runs of Avishock track. Each pack contains 20 connectors.
- Avishock Jumper (Pk20)
Avishock Jumpers are used to connect the Lead Wire to the track via a Female Spade Connector. Each pack comes with 20 jumpers.
- Aqua-K-Othrine Insecticide Space-Spray Concentrate
20g/L Deltamethrin
Aqua K-Othrine is a pyrethroid based insecticide concentrate for use as a space-spray for the control of adult mosquitoes, flies, stored product pests and American and German Cockroaches.
- B&G 2600-5 Flex-A-Lite ULV Fogger
Produces a range of spray droplets, from ULV (20 microns or less) to a mist (50 microns or larger), making it highly effective for pest management and most industrial, sanitisation and janitorial applications.