Shieldrite Crawling Insect Foam 350g

Product Code: SS80000051
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Shieldrite Crawling Insect Foam is a non repellent suspension concentrate formulated into a ready to use foam for the use in the management of pest insects including Termites, European wasps, Ants, Cockroaches and Bed bugs.

Shieldrite Crawling Insect Foam has been formulated as a wet foam that breaks down quickly to be absorbed into the workings therefore reducing the amount of disturbance in the treatment zone and leaving a non-repellent residual.

It has been formulated with 0.5g/kg Imidacloprid, a reliable neonicotinoid ingredient effective by on-contact or ingestion.

Key features and benefits of Shieldrite Crawling Insect Foam
  • Versatile formulation that can be used to control a number of pests in range of situations – Registered for the control of termites, european wasp, ants, cockroaches, bed bugs
  • Wet formulation – Designed to break down within 10mins. Leaving a residual with minimum disturbance intended
  • Stainless steel nozzle – Designed to minimise disturbance in delicate workings
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