Synergy Pro Ant Bait 500gm is a granular ant bait registered for the control of a range of ants in domestic, commercial and agricultural situations. Synergy Pro ant bait is the most advanced ant bait on the market, designed to make ant control simple. The unique, granular formulation contains:
Two active ingredients with two different modes of action: 3.65g/kg Hydramethylnon, 2.5g/kg Pyriproxyfen to target worker and reproductive ants for complete colony control
Two different food granules for broad spectrum control throughout the year
Synergy Pro Ant Bait provides control of a wide range of ants (sugar, protein and oil feeders) and remains attractive as feeding preferences change through the year.
A significant drop in ant population can be expected a couple of weeks after application of Synergy Pro Ant Bait (hydramethylnon effect) with complete control in around two months (pyriproxyfen effect)
Features & Benefits of SynergyPro Ant Bait
Attractive to a wide range of ant species, even when food preferences change
Improved colony control with dual mode of action
Easy flow granular formulation allows for broadcast application without clogging the shaker
Suitable for indoor and outdoor use for a wide range of application situations. Bait station is recommended for indoor use.
How does SynergyPro Ant Bait work?
Ant workers pick up the bait granules and take them back to the colony or imbibe oil (containing the active ingredient) from the granules. Workers feed the bait or collected oil to both the queen and immature ants. Hydramethylnon is a metabolic inhibitor blocking the production of energy and causing lethargy and slow death of affected ants over several days. Pyriproxyfen is an Insect Growth Regulator, similar to the naturally occurring insect growth hormones, which interferes ®with their growth and development.
SynergyPro Ant Bait breaks the reproductive life cycle of ants, causing starvation of the colony thereby preventing worker replacement. Due to the degeneration of reproductive organs, the ant queen cannot lay viable eggs and replace workers. The lack of worker replacement results eventually in colony death as the existing worker ants age and die. Within weeks there is substantial colony mortality resulting from the effect of Hydramethylnon and within eight weeks the colony has been eliminated as a result of Pyriproxyfen affecting remaining reproductive queens.