Starrdust Pro Duckbill + ‘One-Shot’ 400g

Product Code: CSTDDB.4
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The StarrdustPRO ‘ONE-SHOT’ is a ready-to-use pod that screws straight onto the StarrdustPRO DUCKBILL Duster head. It is prefilled with 400 grams of premium StarrdustPRO Industrial Strength dusting powder.

The StarrdustPRO Duckbill Duster was created so that Australian pest management professionals would not have to expose themselves, their clients or the environment to inadvertent spills of insecticidal dusts as a result of decanting product into application equipment. The Duckbill will fit onto a blower with either 40mm or 50.5mm fitting on the end of the blower (typically either a Makita or Hitachi blower or similar).

The Starrdust Pro Duckbill + ‘One-Shot’ 400g kit includes:

1 x Duckbill Duster,
1 x Extension Nozzle,
1 x Rubber sealing O-ring,
1 x StarrdustPRO ‘One-Shot’ 400g Pod,
1 x (Optional fit) stainless steel flow regulator mesh

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