Search results for: 'black led rope of bfsb station'
- Termatrix Above Ground (AG) Station + Bait 100g Pack
1g/kg Chlorfluazuron
A ready to use Termite above ground station for treating termites in active feeding sites.
- Termatrix Complete In Ground (IG) Termite Baiting Set (Pack of 10)
TermatriX In Ground (IG) Termite Baiting Complete Set with stations, cardboard inserts, monitor tablets, lids and swift-lock station opening tools.
- Termatrix Timber (Pair)
Termatrix Timber is designed for use with the Termatrix Termite Monitoring and Baiting System. It is recommended that 2 timbers are used per station.
- Termatrix In-Concrete Cylinder And Lid (Pack of 20)
TermatriX In-concrete cylinder and lids are designed for use with the TermatriX baiting station. This set contains 20 x cardboard inserts, 20 x Plastic cylinders with lid and 20 x TermatriX Magnet attractant monitors.
- Termatrix Magnet Monitor Tabs
Termatrix Monitoring Tablets are designed for use with the Termatrix Termite Baiting and Monitoring systems. This item contains a pack of 3 compressed cellulose attractant tablets.
- Termatrix Termite Bait 2kg Box (20 x 100g bait)
1g/kg Chlorfluazuron
Termatrix Termite Bait is a powdered termite bait designed for use with the Termatrix Termite Baiting and Monitoring system. The powdered bait comprises of 1g/kg chlorfluazuron, pure a-cellulose, and feeding stimulants. The 2kg box contains 20 x 100g sachets of termite bait.
- Fipforce Dust Termiticide and Insecticide (Pack of 2 x 5g)
5g/kg Fipronil
Fipforce Dust Termiticide and Insecticide contains 5g/kg of Fipronil which is toxic to insects by contact or ingestion. FipForce Dust is applied through a hand duster to help in the control of Termites, Nuisance ants and Cockroaches. It has a mineral based carrier which flows extremely well and is less susceptible to moisture than cellulose based dusts. Less moisture build-up means less clogging of the application procedure.
- Anthem Insecticide Granules
0.5g/kg Fipronil
Anthem Insecticide Granule contains 0.5g/kg of Fipronil and is used for the control of Argentine stem weevil, mole crickets and ants in commercial and recreational turf and control of ants in external surrounds of buildings and structures
- Biforce Granular Insecticide
2g/kg Bifenthrin
A ready to use contact residual granular insecticide for external control of ants, fleas and ticks in areas such as gardens, lawns, around BBQs and other external surrounds of buildings and structures.
- Chaindrite Perforce 500 Residual Insecticide
500 g/L Permethrin
Chaindrite Perforce 500 Residual Insecticide is formulated for the control of a broad range of insects in various situations as per the Directions for Use table.
- Clear Out Plus IGR Aerosol Insecticide 350g
0.5g/kg Fipronil, 0.15g/kg Pyriproxyfen
Clear Out Plus IGR Aerosol Insecticide is a residual surface crack & crevice or spot treatment for control of ants, cockroaches and flies in domestic, commercial and public buildings.
- Shieldrite Crawling Insect Foam 350g
0.5g/kg Imidacloprid
Shieldrite Crawling Insect Foam is a non repellent suspension concentrate formulated into a ready to use foam for the use in the management of pest insects including Termites, European wasps, Ants, Cockroaches and Bed bugs.