Search results for: 'solut smoke injector beetl bfsb top'
- Sentricon Top Cap Key
Designed for use with Sentricon In Ground Termite Bait Stations. The Sentricon Top Cap Key is used to unlock the Top Cap for monitoring and maintenance, and lock it to keep the station child-proof and pet-proof.
- Sentricon Station Cleanout Auger
For installing Sentricon stations
An augering tool designed for cleaning out Sentricon In-Ground Stations.
- Sentricon Extractor
The Sentricon Extractor tool is designed for the easy and convenient removal of monitoring devices from Sentricon In-Ground Stations.
- Sentricon Above Ground (AG) Termite Bait Station
5g/kg Hexaflumuron
Sentricon AG Termite Bait contains an insect growth regulator in an above ground station for the control of subterranean termites. Sentricon provides a scientifically tried and proven approach to termite control. The above ground termite baiting station used to eliminate termite colonies by encouraging termites to establish the station as a preferred feeding site.