D-Ter Animal & Bird Repellent

Product Code: conf-CDTER.1
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D-Ter Animal & Bird Repellent is a safe and effective repellent used to deter unwanted animals and birds. D-Ter Animal & Bird Repellent is ideal for use as a repellent for dogs, cats, birds, possums, kangaroos, bandicoots and many other animals.

Key features and benefits of D-Ter Animal & Bird Repellent

  • Unique product with a clever and safe mode of action that is not harmful to humans, animals or birds
  • Easy to use - simply mix and spray onto your chosen area
  • Repellent can last up to 12 weeks
  • Effectively repels animals and birds without harming them
  • Repels birds and animals - including dogs, cats, parrots, possums and rodents
  • Protects vegetables, fruit trees, ornamentals, seedlings, sheds and buildings
  • Can be used both indoors and outdoors
  • Effective immediately when dry
  • No withholding periods
  • No unpleasant odours
  • Contains active ingredients: 997.3g/Kg Aluminium Ammonium Sulphate, 1.5g/Kg Sucrose Octa-Acetate, 0.1g/Kg Denatonium Benzoate

What animals and birds is D-Ter effective against?

Use D-Ter Animal & Bird Repellent to repel birds and animals including dogs, cats, parrots, possums, rabbits, wallabies, rats and mice, kangaroos, rabbits, hares, deer, foxes, bandicoots, wombats, starlings, seagulls, wild ducks, galahs, feral pigeons, parrots, swallows, crows, rosellas, cockatoos, mynas and other birds.

Where can D-Ter be used?

D-Ter Animal & Bird Repellent can be used in the following situations and application environments:

  • Buildings, sheds, roofs, downpipes and gutters
  • Structures, attics, ledges and bridges
  • Businesses, residences, parks and gardens
  • Wineries and vineyards
  • Orchards and market gardens
  • Marine areas, boats and yachts
  • Tree and bush areas
  • To prevent damage to seeds, vegetables, fruit and other plants
  • To keep birds and animals away from fences and buildings to avoid nesting and roosting in unwanted places
  • To persuade pets and wildlife to stop spoiling your home and garden.

Is D-Ter Animal & Bird Repellent safe?

Yes, D-Ter Animal & Bird Repellent is a safe and effective solution that is versatile in a wide range of applications. It is registered and approved for use by the APVMA: Approval No 340181298

  • Animals are not harmed in any way and children, adults and the public are safe
  • D-Ter ensures that the animals are alerted and will not frequent ‘their present abode again’
  • D-Ter has undertaken long-term proven performance testing periods
  • D-Ter is not considered a designated poison
  • D-Ter registered for use against all animals and birds
  • D-Ter is referred to in scientific literature as S.A.A.S

Application rates for D-Ter Animal & Bird Repellent

  • 100g pack makes up 2L of spray (treats up to 120 sq. metres)
  • 1kg pack makes up 20L of spray (treats up to 1200 sq. metres)
  • 4kg pack makes up 80L of spray (treats up to 4800 sq. metres)

For use with all native animals and birds, it is used at a rate of; 50g is added to 1 litre of warm water & allowed to cool. It is then applied with a garden sprayer or similar.

For dogs, cats and other non-native pests (such as rats & mice) 2L will treat 60sqm

After initial treatment, repeat application occasionally if necessary.

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