Barmac BTI 200GR Mosquito Larvicide
Barmac BTI 200GR Mosquito Larvicide is a granular microbial larvicide for the control of Saltmarsh Mosquito Larvae containing Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies israelensis (BTI or Bt H‐14), a naturally occurring soil bacterium that produces protein toxins (insecticidal crystal protein ICP) and a spore.
The insecticidal activity of Barmac BTI formulations and all BTI formulations is due to the presence of the protein toxins. The spore has no effect on the larvicide activity. Barmac BTI formultions are unique and specifically manufactured to enhance larvicidal effects of the protein toxin and to ensure the toxin’s biological stability.
How does Barmac BTI 200GR Mosquito Larvicide work?
Mosquito larvae are killed by ingesting the protein crystal (delta endotoxin). The crystal is broken down in the larval midgut by a combination of enzymes and the alkaline gut environment. The epithelium of the midgut is destroyed resulting in gut paralysis, complete loss of ionic regulation between the midgut and hemocoel, and larval death. Because the Barmac BTI must be ingested to be effective, the products do not affect pupae, adults, or late larval stages when active feeding has ceased. Death of larvae is rapid, often occurring within one hour at field use rates. Complete mortality occurs in the laboratory within 24 hours. Barmac BTI 200 is specifically formulated to enhance its effects on mosquito larvae. Particle size is small, averaging 2 to 10 microns, but a significant amount of the formulated crystal protein is in agglomerated form so that ULV deposition is enhanced. These particle size characteristics improve both ground and aerial applications.