Search results for: 'beig paste to requir white good healthcare'
- Antagonist Pro Insecticide
80g/L Bifenthrin
ANTagonist PRO insecticide is a suspension concentrate formulation containing a Polymer Enhanced Synthetic Pyrethroid approved for the treatment of ants, spiders, wasps, cockroaches, mosquitoes, midges, fleas, flies, ticks, termites and turf pests including lawn armyworms, sod webworms, argentine stem weevil, billbug, African black beetle, ants and ornamental pest including mites, aphids, caterpillars, loopers, earworm, budworm, light brown apple moth, whitefly, mealybug, thrips and cutworms.
- Bunny Bait
0.5g/kg Pindone
For the Control of Rabbits in accordance with the directions of the appropriate State or Territory Government Department, under the appropriate State or Territory legislation.
- Premise 200SC Insecticide 3L
200g/L Imidacloprid
Premise 200SC Insecticide is an acetyl choline receptor antagonist – chloronicotinyl -Group 4A Insecticide. A non-repellent, no odour termiticide for the post-construction control of subterranean termites. Registered for traditional and foam applications.
- Starrdust PRO One-Shot Insecticidal Dust 19 x 400g + Duckbill
20g/kg Permethrin, 5g/kg Triflumuron
A convenient kit of 19 x Starrdust PRO One-Shot Insecticidal Dust 400g Pods and a bonus Duckbill Duster. StarrDust PRO is an industrial-strength dust designed for use with the Starrdust PRO Duckbill Duster. It is a ready-to-use broad-spectrum insecticide with a unique formulation. It controls a wide range of insect pests including cockroaches, silverfish, spiders, ants, fleas, carpet beetles, bed bugs, European wasps, feral honey bees, bird mites, subterranean termites, hide beetles, millipedes, woodlice and clothes moths.
- Dyna-Fog Superhawk Thermal Fogger
Its ultra-lightweight design and ability to produce large volumes of dense fog make the Dyna-Fog Superhawk Thermal Fogger ideal for use in both local and remote areas.
- Seclira Pressurised Insecticide 397g
5g/kg Dinotefuran
Seclira Pressurised Insecticide is a fast-acting, non-repellent, ready-to-use product with System III compatibility for the control of a broad range of pests including ants, and cockroaches.
- Scatterbird Bird Bait Wheat 1kg
5g/kg 4-amino pyridine
Scatterbid is a bird bait used for the controbirdl of pigeons, sparrows, starlings and myna birds as specified in the directions of use. Scatterbird can only be supplied to and used by an Authorised Person.
- Silvan ProGrade 5L Hand Sprayer
The Silvan ProGrade 5L hand sprayer is robust in construction for extended life and easy to see volume in the tank. It has an efficient pump and large handle or easy operation and servicing
- Storgard Dome Ultra Combi Quick Change Kit
The Storgard Dome Ultra Combi Quick Change monitoring system is a pre-baited, high-powered, and cost-effective method of detecting beetle activity at the earliest possible stages.
- Anthem Insecticide Granules
0.5g/kg Fipronil
Anthem Insecticide Granule contains 0.5g/kg of Fipronil and is used for the control of Argentine stem weevil, mole crickets and ants in commercial and recreational turf and control of ants in external surrounds of buildings and structures
- Biflex Mikron Insecticide
64g/L Bifenthrin, 53g/L Acetamiprid
Biflex Mikron Insecticide provides lightning fast control and enduring residual protection from the powerful combination of two active ingredients in a cutting-edge microemulsion formulation.
- TERM-Seal Annular Soft Collar
TERM-seal soft annular collars are used to protect slab penetrations and prevent the entry of Termites. These collars are supplied pre-cut to fit 40mm (water), 40mm (elect), 50mm, 65mm, 80mm, and 100mm pipe and conduit sizes.