Search results for: 'pair control pipe'
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- Ficam W Insecticide
800g/kg Bendiocarb
Ficam W Insecticide is a non-repellent, broad-spectrum residual spray registered for the control of cockroaches, flies, spiders, fleas, ants, silverfish, bed bugs, millipedes and other insect pests.
- Ditrac Blox All Weather Rodenticide
0.05g/kg brodifacoum
Ditrac Blox All Weather Rodenticide is a single dose anticoagulant rodenticide containing the active ingredient Brodifacoum. It is made from a highly palatable wax block formulation for the control of rats and mice.
- Contrac Blox All Weather Rodenticide
0.05g/kg Bromadiolone
Contrac Blox is a professional grade all-weather rodenticide designed for the effective control of rats and mice, including warfarin-resistant Norway rats. Formulated with the powerful active ingredient Bromadiolone, this single-feed anticoagulant wax block delivers rapid results, making it the ideal choice for both clean-out and maintenance baiting.
- Biforce Granular Insecticide
2g/kg Bifenthrin
A ready to use contact residual granular insecticide for external control of ants, fleas and ticks in areas such as gardens, lawns, around BBQs and other external surrounds of buildings and structures.
- Aqua-K-Othrine Insecticide Space-Spray Concentrate
20g/L Deltamethrin
Aqua K-Othrine is a pyrethroid based insecticide concentrate for use as a space-spray for the control of adult mosquitoes, flies, stored product pests and American and German Cockroaches.
- Biflex Mikron Insecticide
64g/L Bifenthrin, 53g/L Acetamiprid
Biflex Mikron Insecticide provides lightning fast control and enduring residual protection from the powerful combination of two active ingredients in a cutting-edge microemulsion formulation.
- Maxforce Activ Cockroach Gel (3 Pack)
10g/kg Clothianidin
Maxforce Activ Cockroach Gel is the latest gel, in the line of ‘new generation’ cockroach control products. Trials suggest that Maxforce Activ Cockroach Gel placements remain palatable for at least 12 months. Incorporating the patented blue bead feeding stimulant technology to ensure Total Life Cycle control (TLC).
- Talon Rodenticide Pellets
0.05g/kg Brodifacoum
Single feed second generation anti-coagulant Rodenticide. Very effective control of rats and mice in and around buildings. One feed kills rats and mice. Controls species resistant to warfarin. Contains Bitrex human taste deterrent.
- Dragnet Dust Insecticidal Powder
2% Permethrin
Dragnet Dust Insecticidal Powder is a 2% permethrin, broad-spectrum insecticide dust designed to reach into limited access areas. Dragnet Dust's super-fine formulation gives excellent coverage and spread. It is registered for the control of ants, spiders, fleas, cockroaches, silverfish, bed bugs, wasps, and bird mites in domestic, institutional & industrial premises. Also for the control of hide beetles, mushroom, sciarid flies and Potato moths.
- Coopex Residual Insecticide
250g/kg Permethrin
Coopex Residual Insecticide is a wettable powder registered for the residual control of cockroaches, ants, carpet beetles, spiders, clothes moths, bed bugs, silverfish and mosquitoes.
- Selontra Soft Bait Rodenticide 5kg
0.75g/kg Colecalciferol
Selontra Soft Bait Rodenticide is a highly effective, innovative rodent bait that rapidly controls rodent infestations. Selontra is powered by a non-anticoagulant active ingredient and formulated into a stable, highly palatable soft block formulation.
- Fastrac Blox Rodenticide 4kg
0.1g/kg bromethalin
Fastrac Blox Rodenticide is a ready-to-use, highly palatable, and all-weatherable block bait that controls rats and mice, including those resistant to anticoagulants.