Antmaster™ is a highly effective liquid bait for the control of various species of pest ants. It contains a sweet food source in a low dose bait that is effective against many common pest ants in indoor and outdoor situations.
All worker ants are liquid feeders and most of the commonly found indoor infesting ants have a preference for sugary food types. Antmaster Liquid Bait has a patented formulation recipe which caters for these feeding preferences of the major pest ants and serves up a meal they can’t resist. Many pest ants will prefer to feed on this bait over most other food sources.
Antmaster Liquid Bait is not classified as a poison and with this unparalleled level of safety is the perfect product to use around your property.
Key features and benefits of Antmaster Liquid Bait
Antmaster is a highly effective ant bait (Australian trials show it acts faster than most other commonly available baits)
Clear & odour free
Perfect for use indoors
Not classified as a poison - a very high level of safety