Termatrix Above Ground (AG) Station + Bait 100g Pack

Product Code: PTERMAGS
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A ready to use Termite above ground station for treating termites in active feeding sites.

The Termatrix Termite Bait contains 1g/kg of Chlorfluazuron as the active constituent. As termites feed and then travel back to the colony, they share termite bait with other nest mates (trophallaxis) and send other termites back to feed on the bait. As feeding on the bait continues and more and more termites are affected, the termite colony starts to die and is eliminated.

The stages of colony elimination will be identified by the professional Pest Manager and will include; worker termites becoming creamish colored (within first 2 weeks), lethargic worker termites (first 4 weeks), a larger number of soldier termites and increased fungi in the station (final stage of elimination).


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