Search results for: 'black led rope of bfsb station'
- Attractant PRO Ant Gel Bait 50g
0.5g/kg Indoxacarb
Attractant PRO Ant Gel is formulated for the control of major pest ants including Argentine ant, Black house ant, Coastal brown ant, Ghost ant, Hairy ant/Crazy ant, Pedicel ant, Pennant ant, Pharaoh’s ant, Red imported fire ant, Sugar ant.
- Talon Rodenticide Pellets
0.05g/kg Brodifacoum
Single feed second generation anti-coagulant Rodenticide. Very effective control of rats and mice in and around buildings. One feed kills rats and mice. Controls species resistant to warfarin. Contains Bitrex human taste deterrent.
- Optigard Ant Bait Gel
0.1g/kg Thiamethoxam
Optigard Ant Bait Gel is an ant gel solution for professional pest controllers looking to deliver long-lasting, effective ant control. Designed for sugar-feeding ants, it not only targets visible infestations but eradicates entire colonies, including hard-to-reach queens. With its powerful formula and versatility, Optigard ensures your clients receive superior results in homes, businesses, schools, hospitals, and food preparation facilities.
- Ditrac Pellets Rodenticide 10kg
0.05g/kg brodifacoum
Ditrac Rodenticide is an all-weather, single-dose, anticoagulant rodenticide in pellet form. Ditrac pellets are highly palatable for the control of rats and mice.
- Maxforce Quantum Liquid Ant Bait (3 x 30g Pack)
0.3g/L Imidacloprid
Maxforce Quantum Liquid Ant Bait is a viscous liquid ant bait containing active ingredient 0.3g/L Imidacloprid. Ants take the bait back to the nest where the active ingredients kills the queen, workers and the rest of the nest.
- Chaindrite Perforce 500 Residual Insecticide
500 g/L Permethrin
Chaindrite Perforce 500 Residual Insecticide is formulated for the control of a broad range of insects in various situations as per the Directions for Use table.
- Biflex Ultra Lo-Odour 100EC Termiticide & Insecticide
100g/L Bifenthrin, 533g/L Liquid Hydrocarbons
Biflex Ultra-Lo-Odour Termiticide and Insecticide is a cost-effective, broad spectrum, long residual, liquid insecticide and termiticide for use as an internal and external treatment of a wide range of pests.
- Advion Ant Gel
0.5g/kg Indoxacarb
Advion Ant Gel targets most pest species of ants, including all key sweet feeders plus additional ant species. This is a highly attractive ant gel that locks in moisture for extended appeal to ants and uses active ingredient Indoxacarb.