Search results for: 'solut smoke injector beetl bfsb top'
- Fendona Plus 60SC Insecticide
60g/L Alpha-Cypermethrin
Fendona Plus 60SC Insecticide is a residual insecticide for control of ants, cockroaches, silverfish, fleas, flies, mosquitos bed bugs, meal moths and spiders in domestic, industrial, commercial and public health situations and for the control of litter beetles in poultry sheds.
- Coopex Residual Insecticide
250g/kg Permethrin
Coopex Residual Insecticide is a wettable powder registered for the residual control of cockroaches, ants, carpet beetles, spiders, clothes moths, bed bugs, silverfish and mosquitoes.
- Dragnet Dust Insecticidal Powder
2% Permethrin
Dragnet Dust Insecticidal Powder is a 2% permethrin, broad-spectrum insecticide dust designed to reach into limited access areas. Dragnet Dust's super-fine formulation gives excellent coverage and spread. It is registered for the control of ants, spiders, fleas, cockroaches, silverfish, bed bugs, wasps, and bird mites in domestic, institutional & industrial premises. Also for the control of hide beetles, mushroom, sciarid flies and Potato moths.
- PCO Deltamethrin Tetramethrin 10SC 5L
10g/L Deltamethrin, 10g/L Tetramethrin, 80g/L Piperonyl Butoxide
PCO Deltamethrin Tetramethrin is formulated for the control of a range of insect pests including: Ants, Cockroaches, Fleas, Silverfish, Spiders, Bird Mites, Carpet Beetles, Clothes Moths, Bed Bugs House Flies and Mosquitoes in various situations.
- PCO Deltamethrin 10SC
10g/L Deltamethrin
PCO Deltamethrin 10SC is formulated for the control of a range of insect pests, Cockroaches, Web-spinning Spiders, Non web-spinning Spiders, Ant, Fleas, Silverfish, Bed Bugs, Bird Mite, Carpet Beetle, Clothes Moth, Mosquitoes, House Flies, Stored Product Pests in various situations.
- Perigen Defence 500EC Residual Insecticide
500g/L Permethrin
Perigen Defence 500 Residual Insecticide is registered for the control of cockroaches, spiders, fleas, ants and more in domestic and commercial situations.
- Greenzone Termite Paint
2g/L bifenthrin
Greenzone Termite Paint is a unique and innovative solution that provides a long-lasting protective barrier against termites and other pests. The paint is easy to apply, making it an ideal solution for both residential and commercial properties. - Kordon TMB Underslab Termite Barrier
0.5g/kg Deltamethrin
Kordon TMB is a complete underslab barrier, providing both termite and moisture protection.
- Cislin 25 Professional Insecticide
25g/L Deltamethrin
Cislin 25 Professional Insecticide is a broad spectrum low odour insecticide with excellent residual activity.
- Bird Free Optical Gel Deterrent with Magnet - 15 Pack
Ready to install
Bird Free Optical Gel with Magnetic Base is a revolutionary bird repellent solution consisting of small, pre-loaded dishes with a magnetic base, filled with a firm, weather-resistant gel making it easy to install. Utilising a unique multi-sensory approach to deter birds, Bird Free Optical Gel creates an environment that birds perceive as uncomfortable and unsafe, prompting them to abandon the area.
- Bird Free Optical Gel Deterrent - 15 Pack
Ready to install
Bird Free Optical Gel is a revolutionary bird repellent solution that consists of small, pre-loaded dishes filled with a firm, weather-resistant gel that is discreet and easy to install. Utilising a unique multi-sensory approach to deter birds, Bird Free Optical Gel creates an environment that birds perceive as uncomfortable and unsafe, prompting them to abandon the area entirely. Approved by the APVMA for use in Australia, it provides a humane, eco-friendly, and long-lasting alternative to conventional bird control methods.
- Homeguard Flexi Collar
Homeguard's unique flexible collars are impregnated with bifenthrin. They physically stop attacking termites entering a structure via penetration pipes; they will also kill termites that contact the collar and repel them away from the penetration. Available in 100mm, 80mm, 50mm, 40mm, 25mm