Demand Duo Insecticide 750mL

Product Code: CDEMA-7
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Demand Duo Insecticide is a unique ZC formulation insecticide containing two different actives with two different modes of action to deliver a powerful knockdown and excellent residual control on a wide range of pests and surfaces. Demand Duo is registered for a large number of pest species including Ants, Bedbugs, Cockroaches, Fleas, Flies, Portuguese Millipedes, Paper wasps, Silverfish and Spiders in domestic, commercial, public and industrial situations.

Key Features and Benefits of Demand Duo:

  • Dual-Active ZC Technology: A unique blend of SC and CS formulations ensures superior knockdown and extended residual action.
  • Versatile Use: Suitable for indoor and outdoor application on porous and non-porous surfaces.
  • Broad-Spectrum Control: Effectively combats ants, cockroaches, spiders, silverfish, bed bugs, fleas, flies, millipedes, and paper nest wasps.
  • Flexible Application Rates: Choose between the maintenance rate (20 mL/5 L) for ongoing protection or the clean-out rate (40 mL/5 L) for high-pressure infestations.
  • Ease of Use: Compatible with hand-held or power-operated sprayers for crack-and-crevice, spot, perimeter, and surface treatments.

Registration Details of Demand Duo

  • Versatile use indoors and out, on porous and non-pourous surfaces
  • Clean out rate allows for higher dose in difficult and high pest situations. 
  • Maintenance rate provides an economic pest contrl solution
  • Convenient single water rate of 5 L per 100 m2 for all uses, indoors and out.

Pests Controlled by Demand Duo


  • Can flexibly be used both indoor and outdoor situations depending on species and invasion points.
  • For best results indoors, including food handling establishments, apply as a crack & crevice, spot, void or banded treatment.
  • For areas where sprays are not suitable the use of ADVION Cockroach Gel is recommended.

Bed Bugs: 

  • Excellent activity on pyrethroid-resistant bed bugs (even the notorious Sydney Strain).
  • Direct and residual spray applied as a spot, crack & crevice and void treatment to areas bed bugs congregate (including bed frames, headboards, base boards, bed side tables, door and window frames, skirting boards).
  • Bed bug treatments should include hygiene practices such as laundering of washable items.


  • Fast knockdown and long residual of up to 90 days.
  • iCAP encapsulation of the synthetic pyrethroid (Lambdacyhalothrin) demonstrates non-repellent effects on ants.
  • When possible, apply directly to foraging ant trails and nests and for areas where sprays are not suitable, ADVION or OPTIGARD Ant Gel are recommended. 


  • Apply as a coarse, low-pressure spray directly to spiders and webs. For residual control apply spray to known spider harbourage and cracks and crevices. Webbing should be left in place for a few days after application.


  • Treat flea harbourages with the initial clean out rate for rapid knockdown and maximum residual protection.
  • Treat areas known to harbour fleas including kennels.
  • Perimeter treatments around structures can also reduce fleas breeding outdoors.
  • For best results, prior to application, remove pets, clean and vacuum infested areas, dispose of waste to prevent re-infestation.


  • Apply as a surface spray where flies harbour in and around buildings. Can be used on walls, window frames and doorways, bins, loading dock areas, building eaves, animal housing and animal production facilities.
  • Initial treatment will provide knockdown of flies while providing residual control for up to 90 days even on porous surfaces.


  • Apply as a coarse spray directly to areas of infestations such as under skirting boards and furniture as a band or spot treatment. 

Portguese Millipedes

  • Apply as a coarse spray to harbourages or perimeters of buildings to stop millipedes invading.

Papernest Wasps

  • Apply directly to the nest ensuring thorough and even coverage to the point of run off. When all the adult wasps have been knocked down the nest may be safely removed.

Demand Duo Insecticide Hits Hard and Goes The Distance

Demand Duo provides excellent knock down from the day of treatment, followed by up to 90 days control. Demand Duo performs strongly on both porous and non-porous surfaces.

The longevity and knockdown capabilities of Demand Duo Insecticide are due to the unique ZC formulation and combination of active ingredients. The formulation stays stable on surfaces due to the quality milling and distribution size of the SC component, combined with industry-leading iCAPâ„¢ encapsulation, which makes it effective at maintaining control by ensuring a gradual diffusion over a long period of time. While the combination of Thiamethoxam and Lambda-cyhalothrin attack different insect functions, resulting in greater performance than either achieve alone.

Trials demonstrate the superior knockdown power and unmatched longevity of Demand Duo using the example of that hard-to-beat pest, the German Cockroach.

How to Use Demand Duo Insecticide

Demand Duo is diluted with water for application using hand-held or power-operated application equipment as a coarse spray for crack-and-crevice, spot treatments, perimeter treatments, and surface treatments.

More Information
Brand Syngenta
Active Ingredients 38g/L Lambda-Cyhalothrin, 125g/L Thiamethoxam
Product Form Liquid (Suspension Concentrate)
Chemistry Class Pyrethroid & Neonicotinoid
Application Rate 4 mL - 8 mL per litre/100m2
Ready To Use Yes
Repellency Non-repellent
Attractant/Non-Attractant Non-Attractant
Application Environment Commercial, Residential
MOA Group Group 4A insecticide
Environment Type Indoor, Outdoor
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