Application Equipment - Red Imported FIre Ants

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There are 9 products

  1. Termidor SC Residual Termiticide 5L Bottle
    Termidor SC Residual Termiticide

    100g/L Fipronil

    Termidor SC Residual Termiticide and Insecticide provides superior levels of control across subterranean termites, ants, cockroaches, spiders, and flies.

  2. Amdro Granular Ant Bait 454g
    Amdro Granular Ant Bait 454g

    7.3g/kg Hydramethylnon

    Amdro Ant Granules is an effective granular bait insecticide that controls ants the only sure way - by eliminating the Queen. Fast acting to ants including specific destructive ant species, namely Singapore Ant, Coastal Brown Ant, Tropical Fire Ant (Ginger Ant), Red Imported Fire Ant and Green-head Ant.

  3. Coopex Dust Insecticidal Dusting Powder
    Coopex Dust Insecticidal Dusting Powder

    10g/kg Permethrin

    Coopex Dust Insecticidal Dusting Powder is registered for the control of cockroaches, ants, fleas, silverfish and bed bugs in and around domestic and industrial premises, food preparation and storage areas. Also for control of mushroom flies in mushroom housing and bees in wall cavities.

  4. Attractant PRO Ant Gel Bait 50g
    Attractant PRO Ant Gel Bait 50g

    0.5g/kg Indoxacarb

    Attractant PRO Ant Gel is formulated for the control of major pest ants including Argentine ant, Black house ant, Coastal brown ant, Ghost ant, Hairy ant/Crazy ant, Pedicel ant, Pennant ant, Pharaoh’s ant, Red imported fire ant, Sugar ant.

  5. SAS Pro Fipronil Granule Ant Killer
    SAS Pro Fipronil Granule Ant Killer

    0.25g/kg Fipronil

    SAS PRO® Professional Granule Ant Killer is a 0.25 g/kg Fipronil-based, specially graded silica carrier granule for use in the control of Red Imported Fire Ants, Yellow Crazy Ants, Funnel Ants, Nuisance ants and Argentine stem weevil, in external surrounds of buildings and structures including gardens, lawns, ant nests & trails, and commercial turf farms, parks, recreational areas, golf courses, bowling greens, sports fields and more.

  6. Antagonist Pro Insecticide
    Antagonist Pro Insecticide

    80g/L Bifenthrin

    ANTagonist PRO insecticide is a suspension concentrate formulation containing a Polymer Enhanced Synthetic Pyrethroid approved for the treatment of ants, spiders, wasps, cockroaches, mosquitoes, midges, fleas, flies, ticks, termites and turf pests including lawn armyworms, sod webworms, argentine stem weevil, billbug, African black beetle, ants and ornamental pest including mites, aphids, caterpillars, loopers, earworm, budworm, light brown apple moth, whitefly, mealybug, thrips and cutworms.

  7. Demand Duo Insecticide 750mL
    Demand Duo Insecticide 750mL

    38g/L Lambda-Cyhalothrin, 125g/L Thiamethoxam

    Demand Duo Insecticide is a general pest spray that controls a wide range of pests, simply and effectively. The unique ZC formulation combines a suspension concentrate (SC) of Thiamethoxam and capsule suspension (CS) of Lambda-cyhalothrin. It is registered for the control of  pests including ants, bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas, flies, portuguese millipedes, paper wasps, spiders and more.

  8. Synergy Pro Ant Bait 500gm
    Synergy Pro Ant Bait 500gm

    3.65g/kg Hydramethylnon, 2.5g/kg Pyriproxyfen

    Synergy Pro Ant Bait 500gm is a granular ant bait registered for the control of a range of ants in domestic, commercial and agricultural situations.

  9. Tempo Residual Insecticide 1L
    Tempo Residual Insecticide 1L

    25 g/L betacyfluthrin

    Tempo Residual Insecticide is a fast-acting, knock-down, broad-spectrum insecticide for general insect control in domestic and commercial situations, as well as for the control of pest insects of turf and ornamental plants.

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There are 9 products

Each pest situation is unique and requires a specific pesticide application method in order to achieve the most effective outcome. Shop our broad range of pest control equipment for spraying, dusting, foaming and fogging to make sure you have the right pest equipment on hand to safely and efficiently apply pesticides.

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