Search results for: 'solut smoke injector beetl bfsb top'
- Starrdust PRO Insecticidal Dust
20g/kg Permethrin 40:60, 5g/kg Triflumuron
Starrdust PRO Insecticidal Dust is a ready-to-use, broad spectrum insecticide with a unique formulation. It controls a wide range of insect pests including cockroaches, silverfish, spiders, ants, fleas, carpet beetles, bed bugs, European wasps, feral honey bees, bird mites, subterranean termites, hide beetles, and 3 new pests not on any dust product in Australia – millipedes, woodlice and clothes moths.
- Maxum PRO 125 SC Insecticide 500mL
125g/L Beta Cyfluthrin
MaxumPRO is a robust, fast-acting, knock-down, broad spectrum insecticide for general insect control in domestic and commercial situations, as well as for the control of pest insects of turf and ornamental plants.
- Fendona Plus 60SC Insecticide
60g/L Alpha-Cypermethrin
Fendona Plus 60SC Insecticide is a residual insecticide for control of ants, cockroaches, silverfish, fleas, flies, mosquitos bed bugs, meal moths and spiders in domestic, industrial, commercial and public health situations and for the control of litter beetles in poultry sheds.
- Antagonist Pro Insecticide
80g/L Bifenthrin
ANTagonist PRO insecticide is a suspension concentrate formulation containing a Polymer Enhanced Synthetic Pyrethroid approved for the treatment of ants, spiders, wasps, cockroaches, mosquitoes, midges, fleas, flies, ticks, termites and turf pests including lawn armyworms, sod webworms, argentine stem weevil, billbug, African black beetle, ants and ornamental pest including mites, aphids, caterpillars, loopers, earworm, budworm, light brown apple moth, whitefly, mealybug, thrips and cutworms.
- Starrdust Pro Duckbill + ‘One-Shot’ 400g
20g/kg Permethrin 40:60, 5g/kg Triflumuron
The StarrdustPRO ‘ONE-SHOT’ is a ready-to-use pod that screws straight onto the StarrdustPRO DUCKBILL Duster head. It is prefilled with 400 grams of premium StarrdustPRO Industrial Strength dusting powder.
- Ensnare Pro 50SC Insecticide 1L
50g/L Indoxacarb
EnsnarePRO is a non-repellent residual suspension concentrate spray. It can be used in conjunction with baits without reducing the performance of the bait. Ants, cockroaches and flies don’t know it’s there. The ‘non-repellent’ properties of this formulation does not interfer with insects natural behaviour...
- Imiforce 200SC Termiticide
200g/L Imidacloprid
A very effective non-repellent termiticide with systemic activity for soil application to control termites in and around structures.
- Clear Out Plus IGR Dust Insecticide 8kg Carton
20g/kg Permethrin, 2g/kg Pyriproxyfen
ClearOut Plus IGR Dust Insecticide is a dual active dustable powder containing Permethrin and Pyriproxyfen for the control of adult and juvenile insects.
- Clear Out Plus IGR Dust Insecticide 8kg Bucket
20g/kg Permethrin, 2g/kg Pyriproxyfen
ClearOut Plus IGR Dust Insecticide is a dual active dustable powder containing Permethrin and Pyriproxyfen for the control of adult and juvenile insects. ClearOut Plus IGR Dust Insecticide is formulated as a light, dustable powder featuring two modes of action in one application to provide a quick knockdown combined with a juvenile insect hormone regulator to stop the breeding life cycle.
- Clear Out IGR Dust Insecticide Pods (11 Pods x 350g)
20g/kg Permethrin, 2g/kg Pyriproxyfen
ClearOut IGR Dust Insecticide Pods bring the proven performance of ClearOut Plus IGR Insecticide Dust into a compact, easy-to-use 350g pod. Designed for professional pest controllers, these pods eliminate the hassle of decanting — simply screw your duster directly onto the pod using the adaptor and start applying.