Anthem Insecticide Granules

Product Code: CANT10
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Anthem Insecticide Granule contains 0.5g/kg of Fipronil and is used for the control of Argentine stem weevil, mole crickets and ants in commercial and recreational turf and control of ants in external surrounds of buildings and structures.

Anthem utilises a unique nonrepellent, or “undetectable,” chemical technology, which ants can’t see, smell, taste, or avoid.

Key features and benefits of Anthem Insecticide Granule
  • Outstanding efficacy on target pests - offers exceptional control and residual.
  • Long-term residual control - limits the number of pesticide applications.
  • Proven formulation - ideally suited for application to turf surfaces and turf machinery. Low S5 poison scheduling & low active ingredient output (60-150kg / ha) increased safety to users & public, very low environmental hazard.
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