Search results for: 'solo steel injector brown being to'
- Bird Free Optical Gel Deterrent with Magnet - 15 Pack
Ready to install
Bird Free Optical Gel with Magnetic Base is a revolutionary bird repellent solution consisting of small, pre-loaded dishes with a magnetic base, filled with a firm, weather-resistant gel making it easy to install. Utilising a unique multi-sensory approach to deter birds, Bird Free Optical Gel creates an environment that birds perceive as uncomfortable and unsafe, prompting them to abandon the area.
- Delta Pro 25SC Professional Insecticide
25g/L Deltamethrin
For the control of a range of insect pests such as spiders, cockroaches, flies, ants, mosquitoes in various situations.
- Starrdust PRO One-Shot Insecticidal Dust 400g
20g/kg Permethrin, 5g/kg Triflumuron
The Starrdust PRO One-Shot Insecticidal Dust 400g is an industrial-strength dust designed for use with the Starrdust PRO Duckbill Duster. It is a ready-to-use broad-spectrum insecticide with a unique formulation. It controls a wide range of insect pests including cockroaches, silverfish, spiders, ants, fleas, carpet beetles, bed bugs, European wasps, feral honey bees, bird mites, subterranean termites, hide beetles, millipedes, woodlice and clothes moths.
- Starycide Insect Growth Regulator (IGR)
48 g/L triflumuron
Starycide is an insect growth regulator (IGR) registered for the control of silverfish, immature fleas and cockroaches in indoor and outdoor situations, and container breeding mosquitoes outdoors.
- Termidor SC Residual Termiticide
100g/L Fipronil
Termidor SC Residual Termiticide and Insecticide provides superior levels of control across subterranean termites, ants, cockroaches, spiders, and flies.
- Drager X-plore 5500 Full Face Respirator
Drager X-plore 5500 Full Face Respirator is a twin-filter respirator for environments where not only increased respiratory protection is required, but also a clear vision is mandatory.
- Starrdust PRO One-Shot Insecticidal Dust 19 x 400g + Duckbill
20g/kg Permethrin, 5g/kg Triflumuron
A convenient kit of 19 x Starrdust PRO One-Shot Insecticidal Dust 400g Pods and a bonus Duckbill Duster. StarrDust PRO is an industrial-strength dust designed for use with the Starrdust PRO Duckbill Duster. It is a ready-to-use broad-spectrum insecticide with a unique formulation. It controls a wide range of insect pests including cockroaches, silverfish, spiders, ants, fleas, carpet beetles, bed bugs, European wasps, feral honey bees, bird mites, subterranean termites, hide beetles, millipedes, woodlice and clothes moths.
- Drager X-plore 6300 Full Face Respirator
The Drager X-plore 6300 Full Face Respirator is the efficient yet low-cost full face mask intended for price-conscious users not wishing to compromise on comfort or quality.
- Power Planter 224HD Auger
5 x 60cm for Sentricon stations
The Power Planter 224HD Auger is the ideal auger size for installing Sentricon Termite Baiting Stations in soil, making it the ideal choice for pest professionals who demand efficiency and reliability.
Measuring 2 inches (5 cm) in width and 24 inches (60 cm) in length, this auger features a hardened steel tip with additional welding for enhanced durability. Its professional trade design is perfect for frequent use, ensuring consistent performance across a variety of tough conditions.
- Arilon Insecticide
200g/kg Indoxacarb
Arilon is a non-repellent insecticide which provides excellent control of ants, cockroaches and other key insect pest species on a variety of interior and exterior surfaces. With its powerful active ingredient and wide-ranging application, Arilon delivers exceptional results against ants, cockroaches, houseflies, and termites—indoors, outdoors, and on various surfaces. Its flexibility and superior efficacy make it indispensable for commercial and domestic pest control programs.
- Beam Bolt - Galvanised (Pack of 10)
Beam Bolt is used as a corner fixing for attaching netting perimeter wire rope frameworks. This bolt is ideal for being attached to structure steelwork.
- Gunjet 43 Brass Spray Gun
The GunJet 43 Spray Gun is a pistol-style, multi purpose hand gun with a maximum pressure of 800 PSI, designed and built for heavy duty use.