Search results for: 'beig line repel of brass station'
- Alphachloralose Bird Control Agent
990g/kg Alphachloranose
Alphachloralose is a bird control agent for use only in the control of pigeon (Columbalivia) and sparrow (Passerdomesticus and Passer montanus)
- Advion Evolution Cockroach Gel
8 g/kg indoxacarb
Advion Evolution Cockroach Gel is an indoxacarb-based bait that features a new attractive bait matrix with improved palatability to ensure increased bait consumption and improved speed of kill.
- Agrisense Liquid Lure Bait 250mL
Agrisense Liquid Lure Bait is a non-toxic specially formulated liquid bait that is particularly attractive to European Wasp & some species of Paper Wasps. It is designed for use in a fly and wasp trap.
- Kordon TMB Underslab Termite Barrier
0.5g/kg Deltamethrin
Kordon TMB is a complete underslab barrier, providing both termite and moisture protection.
- Demand Duo Insecticide 750mL
38g/L Lambda-Cyhalothrin, 125g/L Thiamethoxam
Demand Duo Insecticide is a general pest spray that controls a wide range of pests, simply and effectively. The unique ZC formulation combines a suspension concentrate (SC) of Thiamethoxam and capsule suspension (CS) of Lambda-cyhalothrin. It is registered for the control of pests including ants, bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas, flies, portuguese millipedes, paper wasps, spiders and more.
- Coopex Residual Insecticide
250g/kg Permethrin
Coopex Residual Insecticide is a wettable powder registered for the residual control of cockroaches, ants, carpet beetles, spiders, clothes moths, bed bugs, silverfish and mosquitoes.
- Aqua-K-Othrine Insecticide Space-Spray Concentrate
20g/L Deltamethrin
Aqua K-Othrine is a pyrethroid based insecticide concentrate for use as a space-spray for the control of adult mosquitoes, flies, stored product pests and American and German Cockroaches.
- Maxforce Gold Cockroach Gel
0.3g/kg Fipronil
Maxforce Gold Cockroach gel is a fipronil based gel formulation for control of cockroaches in residential and commercial areas by professional pest control operators.
- Racumin Mouse and Rat Wax Blocks
0.37g/kg Coumatetralyl
Racumin Mouse and Rat Blocks are ready to use. It is an economical anticoagulant product which requires repeated feeding over several days by the rodents to achieve control. In this way rodents do not become shy of the bait as may happen with acute baits. Pets and farm animals are at minimal risk as they are unlikely to gain repeated access to the bait.
- PCO Deltamethrin Tetramethrin 10SC 5L
10g/L Deltamethrin, 10g/L Tetramethrin, 80g/L Piperonyl Butoxide
PCO Deltamethrin Tetramethrin is formulated for the control of a range of insect pests including: Ants, Cockroaches, Fleas, Silverfish, Spiders, Bird Mites, Carpet Beetles, Clothes Moths, Bed Bugs House Flies and Mosquitoes in various situations.
- Imperator Smoke Generator Insecticide
135g/kg Permethrin
For the control of ants, flies, silverfish, cockroaches, weevils, spiders, caterpillars and aphids in commercial, industrial, domestic and public service areas, in glasshouses (ornamentals only) and in agricultural buildings including animal housing.
- Storm Secure Wax Block Rodenticide 8kg
0.05g/kg Flocoumafen
Storm Secure is a second generation anticoagulant rodenticide. Only a very small amount is needed to kill a rat or mouse, and a lethal dose can be eaten in a single feed. Rodents then die three to five days after taking the bait. With some other rodenticides, rodents die more than a week after taking the bait.