Search results for: 'good 4.4 can't use'
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- gold 414 cane use
- gold 414 can't use
- Sundstrom SR200 Full Face Respirator
The Sundstrom SR200 Full Face Respirator is a full face mask PC visor and rubber harness. The mask provides excellent fit, high protection level, eye protection and very good breathing comfort for use in the toughest work environments.
- Cotton Overall Full Bee Suit
This cotton overall traditional-style bee suit features a traditional 'European' design and features quality cotton fabric. This durable overall will suit both professionals and backyard beekeepers who want good value.
- Rodilon Pro Soft Block Rodenticide 5kg
0.025 g/kg Difethialone
Rodilon Pro is a soft bait rodenticide that targets rats and mice. Rodilon Pro represents a combination of the most recently developed anti-coagulant active ingredient (difethialone) with arguably the most palatable rodent bait matrix available.
- Advion Evolution Cockroach Gel
8 g/kg indoxacarb
Advion Evolution Cockroach Gel is an indoxacarb-based bait that features a new attractive bait matrix with improved palatability to ensure increased bait consumption and improved speed of kill.
- Clean Out Probiotic Drain Foam 500g
Concentrated mix of natural microbial spores
Clear Out Probiotic Drain Foam contains a concentrated mix of natural microbial spores which when activated, digest bad bacteria.
- Aqua-K-Othrine Insecticide Space-Spray Concentrate
20g/L Deltamethrin
Aqua K-Othrine is a pyrethroid based insecticide concentrate for use as a space-spray for the control of adult mosquitoes, flies, stored product pests and American and German Cockroaches.
- Protecta LP Rodent Bait Station
Please buy in multiples of 12
The Protecta LP Rodent Bait Station is a triangular-shaped bait station that fits in corners and along walls where rodents travel. Its “Low Profile” makes it ideal to use indoors under pallets and in other tight baiting locations. It holds all types of bait.
- Vespex Dominator Bottle Trap
The Vespex Dominator Bottle Trap is used to monitor or directly reduce populations of insects or other arthropods by trapping individuals and killing them.
- Biflex Ultra Lo-Odour 100EC Termiticide & Insecticide
100g/L Bifenthrin, 533g/L Liquid Hydrocarbons
Biflex Ultra-Lo-Odour Termiticide and Insecticide is a cost-effective, broad spectrum, long residual, liquid insecticide and termiticide for use as an internal and external treatment of a wide range of pests.
- Anotec Pro5L Odour Control 1L
Hyper-concentrated odour control
Anotec PRO5L Odour Control is a highly effective, hyper-concentrated odour control solution. Unlike other products that simply mask odours, Anotec PRO5L eliminates them, making it ideal for a variety of applications in industrial, commercial, and residential settings such as carpet cleaning, water-damage restoration, pest control, and real estate management.
- Bromakil Grain Bait for Rat and Mice
0.5g/kg Bromadiolone
Bromakil Grain Bait for Rats and Mice is ready to use grain bait for the control of rats & mice in and around commercial, industrial, domestic and agricultural buildings. It is proven to be highly palatable to rats and mice.
- Avisil Silicon Bird Spike Adhesive 310mL
Avisil Silicon Bird Spike Adhesive is a unique clear adhesive to secure bird spikes onto building surfaces such as brick, concrete, stone, plaster, paint, stainless and galvanised steel, lead, copper, brass, aluminium, PVC, PPC, ceramic tiles, wood and glass.