Search results for: 'solut smoke injector beetl bfsb top'
- Imperator Smoke Generator Insecticide
135g/kg Permethrin
For the control of ants, flies, silverfish, cockroaches, weevils, spiders, caterpillars and aphids in commercial, industrial, domestic and public service areas, in glasshouses (ornamentals only) and in agricultural buildings including animal housing.
- Starrdust PRO Insecticidal Dust
20g/kg Permethrin 40:60, 5g/kg Triflumuron
Starrdust PRO Insecticidal Dust is a ready-to-use, broad spectrum insecticide with a unique formulation. It controls a wide range of insect pests including cockroaches, silverfish, spiders, ants, fleas, carpet beetles, bed bugs, European wasps, feral honey bees, bird mites, subterranean termites, hide beetles, and 3 new pests not on any dust product in Australia – millipedes, woodlice and clothes moths.
- Starrdust Pro Duckbill + ‘One-Shot’ 400g
20g/kg Permethrin 40:60, 5g/kg Triflumuron
The StarrdustPRO ‘ONE-SHOT’ is a ready-to-use pod that screws straight onto the StarrdustPRO DUCKBILL Duster head. It is prefilled with 400 grams of premium StarrdustPRO Industrial Strength dusting powder.
- Termidor Foam Termiticide and Insecticide
0.05g/kg Fipronil
Termidor Foam is a robust dry foam formulation that expands to fill termite nests, galleries and other active workings. Termidor Foam is specifically developed for stage 1 colony elimination with a formulation that maximises the Termidor Transfer Effect.
- Taser Pro 800 WP Insecticide
800g/L Bendiocarb
Taser Pro Insecticide is a residual broad spectrum non-repellent spray for the control of a wide range of insect pests in domestic, farm, agricultural, industrial, commercial and public service buildings.
- Battleaxe Pro Roach Bait (4 x 20g Pack)
0.5 g/kg Fipronil
Battleaxe Pro Roach Bait Gel is a ready-to-use, high-performance, broad-spectrum cockroach gel bait utilising the powerful active fipronil. Highly palatable across all species small and large, this bait entices immediate feeding through a unique bait matrix.
- Abolish Pro Cockroach Gel 50g
6g/kg Indoxacarb
Abolish®PRO Cockroach Gel for control of cockroaches in domestic, commercial and public service buildings including factories, farm buildings, food processing establishments, homes, hospitals, kitchens, offices, store rooms, restaurants, retail outlets and vehicles.
- Attractant PRO Ant Gel Bait 50g
0.5g/kg Indoxacarb
Attractant PRO Ant Gel is formulated for the control of major pest ants including Argentine ant, Black house ant, Coastal brown ant, Ghost ant, Hairy ant/Crazy ant, Pedicel ant, Pennant ant, Pharaoh’s ant, Red imported fire ant, Sugar ant.
- Vespex European Wasp Lure 5L
Non-toxic liquid lure
VESPEX European Wasp Lure is a specially formulated, non-toxic liquid lure which is attractive to European Wasp (Vespula germanica), but NOT to bees. VESPEX European Wasp Lure is suitable for use in wasp dome traps, bottle traps, disposable wasp bags or other suitable traps where insects enter and are unable to escape.
- Optigard Ant Bait Gel
0.1g/kg Thiamethoxam
Optigard Ant Bait Gel is an ant gel solution for professional pest controllers looking to deliver long-lasting, effective ant control. Designed for sugar-feeding ants, it not only targets visible infestations but eradicates entire colonies, including hard-to-reach queens. With its powerful formula and versatility, Optigard ensures your clients receive superior results in homes, businesses, schools, hospitals, and food preparation facilities.
- Trelona Advance Timber Monitoring Base (TMB) – Pair
For Trelona ATB Systems
Supplied as 2 pieces, these Trelona Timber Monitoring Bases are used when a stations is used for monitoring termite activity along with a Termite Inspection Cartridge.
- SAS Pro Fipronil Granule Ant Killer
0.25g/kg Fipronil
SAS PRO® Professional Granule Ant Killer is a 0.25 g/kg Fipronil-based, specially graded silica carrier granule for use in the control of Red Imported Fire Ants, Yellow Crazy Ants, Funnel Ants, Nuisance ants and Argentine stem weevil, in external surrounds of buildings and structures including gardens, lawns, ant nests & trails, and commercial turf farms, parks, recreational areas, golf courses, bowling greens, sports fields and more.