Application Equipment

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There are 13-24 of 127 products

  1. Trelona ATBS (Advanced Termite Baiting System) Kit - Carton of 16
    Trelona ATBS (Advanced Termite Baiting System) Kit - Carton of 16

    5g/kg Novaluron | Active on Application System

    The Trelona ATBS (Advanced Termite Baiting System) is a carton of 16 pre-assembled active inground termite bait stations ready to be installed. They contain pre-loaded actives with 2 x 124 g bait cartridges per station.

  2. Termidor HE Residual Termiticide 2.34L Front of Bottle
    Termidor HE Residual Termiticide 2.34L

    96g/L Fipronil

    Termidor HE is a highly efficient termiticide formulation that makes it faster and easier to provide homes and other buildings with the best available in-ground protection against termites. Termidor HE sets a new benchmark in termite control and convenience for professional pest managers. Termidor HE makes it simple to create a more uniform treated zone with reduced impact on the site.

  3. Termidor Foam Termiticide and Insecticide
    Termidor Foam Termiticide and Insecticide

    0.05g/kg Fipronil

    Termidor Foam is a robust dry foam formulation that expands to fill termite nests, galleries and other active workings. Termidor Foam is specifically developed for stage 1 colony elimination with a formulation that maximises the Termidor Transfer Effect.

  4. Termidor SC Residual Termiticide 5L Bottle
    Termidor SC Residual Termiticide

    100g/L Fipronil

    Termidor SC Residual Termiticide and Insecticide provides superior levels of control across subterranean termites, ants, cockroaches, spiders, and flies.

  5. Trelona Advance Timber Monitoring Base (TMB) – Pair
    Trelona Advance Timber Monitoring Base (TMB) – Pair

    For Trelona ATB Systems

    Supplied as 2 pieces, these Trelona Timber Monitoring Bases are used when a stations is used for monitoring termite activity along with a Termite Inspection Cartridge.

  6. Kordon Collar (100 Pack)
    Kordon Collar (100 Pack)

    0.5g/kg Deltamethrin

    Kordon Collar is a service penetration barrier system. Kordon collars are registered for the protection of buildings and structures against subterranean termites in accordance with AS3660. Available in 2 sizes

  7. Premise 200SC Insecticide 3L
    Premise 200SC Insecticide 3L

    200g/L Imidacloprid

    Premise 200SC Insecticide is an acetyl choline receptor antagonist – chloronicotinyl -Group 4A Insecticide. A non-repellent, no odour termiticide for the post-construction control of subterranean termites. Registered for traditional and foam applications.

  8. Homeguard Termiflex Termiticidal Adhesive and Sealant
    Homeguard Termiflex Termiticidal Adhesive and Sealant

    2g/kg Bifenthrin

    Homeguard Termiflex Termiticidal Adhesive and Sealant is a unique sealant / builder's adhesive that has been impregnated with Biflex. Use Homeguard Termiflex to hold Homeguard sheets in place until other building elements are installed, by fastening joints and corners corners and holding the sheet to bricks, blocks, concrete and other buliding materials in the gaps between nails and other similar fastening devices.

  9. Homeguard Protectacote Primer 5L
    Homeguard Protectacote Primer 5L

    Prepare surface with Protectacote Primer

    HomeGuard Protectacote Primer is designed to be applied before HomeGuard Protectacote. Apply a single coat of the primer to run of masonry, concrete or fibre board prior to applying HomeGuard Protectacote Termite and Waterproof Barrier. All surfaces must be clean and free of grease and dirt before application.

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There are 13-24 of 127 products

Each pest situation is unique and requires a specific pesticide application method in order to achieve the most effective outcome. Shop our broad range of pest control equipment for spraying, dusting, foaming and fogging to make sure you have the right pest equipment on hand to safely and efficiently apply pesticides.

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