
Gulls / Seagulls

Scientific Name: Family Laridae

How to identify a Gull/Seagull

Gulls are typically medium to large in size, usually grey or white, often with black markings on the head or wings. They typically have harsh wailing or squawking calls; stout, longish bills; and webbed feet.

Where are gulls/seagulls commonly found?

Gulls are found around the coastline and waterways. Also found around garbage tips and aerodromes.

Why are gulls/seagulls considered a pest?

Gulls are considered a nuisance around garbage tips and aerodromes. The urate in their droppings also damage the buildings where they rest.

What is the biology and lifecycle of gulls/seagulls?

Breeding season from May to February with one clutch of 2-5 eggs. Lifespan of Seagulls is 10-15 years.

Management Tips for Gulls / Seagulls

To effectively protect a building from a bird problem, it often requires a combination of products.  Take into account the following in designing your bird protection system:

  • Bird species/pressure

  • Building structure

  • Location of problem

  • Installation issues

  • Durability requirements

  • Aesthetic requirements

  • Safety/environmental concerns

  • Cost

A wide range of bird protection systems are available to effectively protect a building from a bird problem with various different methods:

Area exclusions - When installed correctly, bird netting provides the most complete, humane and durable system for bird exclusion.

Ledge exclusion - Large Birds: A system of spikes, wires and spiders can be utilised to discourage birds from landing on ledges. All Birds: a system of slopes and shock systems can be utilised.

Scare devices - A variety of scarer and repeller devices are available

Traps - For humane and safe removal of birds, particularly in sensitive areas

Solar panel protection - Solar panel exclusion kits are designed to prevent nesting under solar arrays - avoids expensive damage and reduction in efficiency due to bird droppings on panels.

Disease protection - PX Ornikill can be used as a clean up product and disease protection treatment, kill a range of disease organisms associated with pest birds such as ornithosis and psittacosis.


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