Bird Proofing and Management
How to Choose the Right Bird Spikes: A Complete Guide
25/11/2024| Posted in Articles| 118
Selecting the right bird spikes is essential for effectively deterring birds as they’re clever and adaptable creatures that can quickly find ways to bypass incorrectly selected or poorly installed spikes. Let’s explore how to choose the best bird spikes for your job.
Choosing the right bird control method: Balancing pros and cons
05/06/2024| Posted in Articles| 502
Choosing the right bird control method involves evaluating the target area, bird population and level of pressure. Understand the pros and cons of different bird management options for the best results.
How to install bird netting: step-by-step instructions
06/03/2024| Posted in Articles| 2344
Bird netting is a highly effective control method for areas experiencing medium to heavy bird pressure. We’ve prepared some tips on what to consider before you install a bird net followed by a step-by-step guide to help you get it right.
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